Category: Blog

McNamara Services’ New Website Has Launched!

July 21st, 2016 // Blog

McNamara, a Fully Licensed, Bonded, Insured and Certified Heating, Air Conditioning, Fireplace and Stove Company Releases New Website

How can our new website help you? Easy access and convenience go a long way in this busy world. Now, there’s even more ways to stay connected with us and ensure you get the service you need when you need it.

We worked with Liqui-Site, web and digital marketing agency in Nyack NY. The team worked tirelessly to ensure streamlined functionality to help you get what you need while you’re on the go.

Here at McNamara Services, we understand that hiring a heating and cooling company isn’t just about price and products, it’s about having someone you feel comfortable and safe with in your home every step of the way. That’s why we’ve gone further to give you access to who we are on an emotional level to help you connect with the individuals coming out to your home.

We have featured areas that pinpoint the heart of our business. We have also started a Facebook page to take advantage of their streamlined newsfeed. We have posted a myriad of helpful articles about health and its relationship with home heating, cooling and air filtration there. Keep your eyes peeled for promotions and original articles on the way!

We want to build a lasting relationship with you, to be your go-to source for all things home heating and air conditioning, as well as fireplaces and hearth products. Our dream is to keep you cool and calm, safe and cozy. That’s happiness, that’s McNamara Services.

Take a look around and see what you think. If you have any questions or would like to schedule your appointment, feel free to contact us through our new website, or call us at 845-735-8228.